Python Data Structures

Greetings Python apprentice! Brace yourself as today we're about to embark on an adventure to the mystical lands of Python Data Structures. These are the containers we use to store, retrieve and manipulate data in Python.

Lists and List Comprehension

A list is like your magical knapsack, you can put in various types of items (data types) and retrieve them when you need:

knapsack = ['wand', 'scroll', 'potion']
print(knapsack[1])  # prints 'scroll'

Now, list comprehension is a magical shorthand to create lists. Imagine it as a spell that can generate a list of items in a snap:

numbers = [x for x in range(10)]  # creates a list of numbers from 0 to 9


Tuples are similar to lists, but they are immutable, meaning you can't change them once created. It's like a locked chest containing your precious items:

chest = ('gold', 'gems', 'ancient artifact')
print(chest[2])  # prints 'ancient artifact'


Dictionaries are like magical books that contain pairs of keys and values. It's a great way to store and retrieve data:

spellbook = {'fireball': 50, 'ice shard': 30, 'heal': 20}
print(spellbook['fireball'])  # prints 50


Sets are like bags of unique magical ingredients. They store unordered collections of unique elements:

ingredients = {'newt eye', 'unicorn hair', 'phoenix feather'}

Manipulating, Sorting and Iterating over Data Structures

Python provides an array of spells to manipulate these data structures. Let's go over some:

# Adding to a list
# Removing from a list
# Sorting a list
# Iterating over a list
for item in knapsack:

The other data structures offer similar functionalities.

As you delve deeper into the enchanted world of Python, you'll see how powerful and flexible these data structures can be.

They're the backbone of many magical Python scripts. So master them well, and always remember, a great Python wizard is always learning!

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