Explore the most important React libraries that will help you build better applications in 2025. Let's dive into the tools that every React developer should have in their toolkit. ๐
1. React Query ๐
Perfect for managing server state and caching.
import { useQuery, useMutation } from '@tanstack/react-query';
function TodoList() {
const { data, isLoading } = useQuery({
queryKey: ['todos'],
queryFn: fetchTodos
const mutation = useMutation({
mutationFn: addTodo,
onSuccess: () => {
queryClient.invalidateQueries({ queryKey: ['todos'] });
if (isLoading) return 'Loading...';
return (
{data.map(todo => (
<TodoItem key={todo.id} todo={todo} />
<button onClick={() => mutation.mutate(newTodo)}>
Add Todo
2. Zustand ๐ป
Lightweight state management with a simple API.
import create from 'zustand';
const useStore = create((set) => ({
bears: 0,
increasePopulation: () =>
set((state) => ({ bears: state.bears + 1 })),
removeAllBears: () =>
set({ bears: 0 })
function BearCounter() {
const bears = useStore((state) => state.bears);
const increase = useStore((state) => state.increasePopulation);
return (
<h1>{bears} bears</h1>
<button onClick={increase}>Add bear</button>
3. React Hook Form ๐
Efficient form handling with minimal re-renders.
import { useForm } from 'react-hook-form';
function SignupForm() {
const {
formState: { errors }
} = useForm();
const onSubmit = (data) => console.log(data);
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit)}>
{...register('email', {
required: 'Email is required',
pattern: {
value: /^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,}$/i,
message: 'Invalid email address'
{errors.email && <span>{errors.email.message}</span>}
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
4. Framer Motion ๐จ
Beautiful animations made easy.
import { motion } from 'framer-motion';
function AnimatedCard() {
return (
initial={{ opacity: 0, y: 20 }}
animate={{ opacity: 1, y: 0 }}
exit={{ opacity: 0, y: -20 }}
whileHover={{ scale: 1.05 }}
whileTap={{ scale: 0.95 }}
transition={{ duration: 0.2 }}
<h2>Animated Content</h2>
<p>This card animates on mount, hover, and exit!</p>
5. TanStack Table ๐
Powerful tables with sorting, filtering, and pagination.
import {
} from '@tanstack/react-table';
function DataTable({ data }) {
const columns = [
header: 'Name',
accessorKey: 'name'
header: 'Age',
accessorKey: 'age'
const table = useReactTable({
getCoreRowModel: getCoreRowModel(),
getSortedRowModel: getSortedRowModel()
return (
{table.getHeaderGroups().map(headerGroup => (
<tr key={headerGroup.id}>
{headerGroup.headers.map(header => (
<th key={header.id} onClick={header.column.getToggleSortingHandler()}>
{table.getRowModel().rows.map(row => (
<tr key={row.id}>
{row.getVisibleCells().map(cell => (
<td key={cell.id}>
6. React Testing Library ๐งช
Write maintainable tests that simulate user behavior.
import { render, screen, fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react';
import Counter from './Counter';
test('counter increments when clicked', () => {
render(<Counter />);
const button = screen.getByRole('button', { name: /increment/i });
const count = screen.getByText(/count:/i);
expect(count).toHaveTextContent('Count: 0');
expect(count).toHaveTextContent('Count: 1');
7. SWR ๐
Simple data fetching and caching.
import useSWR from 'swr';
function Profile() {
const { data, error, isLoading } = useSWR(
revalidateOnFocus: true,
refreshInterval: 3000
if (error) return 'Error loading profile';
if (isLoading) return 'Loading...';
return (
8. React Spring ๐ธ
Physics-based animations.
import { useSpring, animated } from '@react-spring/web';
function AnimatedButton() {
const [springs, api] = useSpring(() => ({
from: { scale: 1 },
config: {
mass: 1,
tension: 170,
friction: 26
return (
onMouseEnter={() => api.start({ scale: 1.1 })}
onMouseLeave={() => api.start({ scale: 1 })}
Hover me!
9. React Error Boundary ๐จ
Elegant error handling.
import { ErrorBoundary } from 'react-error-boundary';
function ErrorFallback({ error, resetErrorBoundary }) {
return (
<div role="alert">
<p>Something went wrong:</p>
<button onClick={resetErrorBoundary}>Try again</button>
function App() {
return (
onReset={() => {
// Reset app state
<ComponentThatMightError />
10. React Virtual ๐
Efficient rendering of large lists.
import { useVirtual } from '@tanstack/react-virtual';
function VirtualList({ items }) {
const parentRef = useRef();
const rowVirtualizer = useVirtual({
size: items.length,
estimateSize: useCallback(() => 35, []),
overscan: 5
return (
style={{ height: '400px', overflow: 'auto' }}
height: `${rowVirtualizer.totalSize}px`,
width: '100%',
position: 'relative'
{rowVirtualizer.virtualItems.map(virtualRow => (
position: 'absolute',
top: 0,
left: 0,
width: '100%',
height: `${virtualRow.size}px`,
transform: `translateY(${virtualRow.start}px)`
Best Practices ๐
- Choose libraries based on project needs
- Consider bundle size impact
- Check community support and maintenance
- Review documentation quality
- Evaluate performance implications
Installation Guide ๐ง
# Using npm
npm install @tanstack/react-query zustand react-hook-form framer-motion @tanstack/react-table @testing-library/react swr @react-spring/web react-error-boundary @tanstack/react-virtual
# Using yarn
yarn add @tanstack/react-query zustand react-hook-form framer-motion @tanstack/react-table @testing-library/react swr @react-spring/web react-error-boundary @tanstack/react-virtual
Additional Resources
- React Query Documentation
- Zustand Documentation
- React Hook Form Documentation
- Framer Motion Documentation
These libraries represent the best tools available for React development in 2025. Each serves a specific purpose and can significantly improve your development workflow when used appropriately.