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Search Folders in Linux


Searching for specific folders in Linux is a common task that can be efficiently accomplished using the command line. Whether you're a developer, system administrator, or just a Linux enthusiast, knowing how to quickly find a directory named "folder-name" can save you time and enhance your workflow. 🚀

Using the Find Command

The find command is a powerful tool that searches for files and directories within a given directory tree. To locate a folder named "folder-name" from the current directory, you can use:

find . -type d -name "folder-name"

This command will list all occurrences of directories exactly named "folder-name" within the current directory and all its subdirectories.

Combining Find with Grep

In some cases, you might want to use grep to filter your search results for more complex patterns. Although grep is traditionally used for searching inside files, it can be combined with find to search for directory names:

find . -type d | grep "folder-name"

This approach first lists all directories (-type d) and then filters those names through grep, searching for "folder-name". It's a handy method when your search criteria might include more complex patterns or when you're looking for a name that includes "folder-name" but might have additional characters or words.


Mastering the use of command-line tools like find and grep can significantly improve your efficiency in navigating and managing files and directories in Linux. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don't hesitate to experiment with these commands and incorporate them into your daily tasks. Happy searching! 🌟

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