HTML Tables

Roll up your sleeves and sharpen your minds as we unravel the mysteries of HTML tables, the ultimate blueprint for presenting data in a structured and visually appealing manner.

An HTML Table

The cornerstone elements of an HTML table are:

Without further ado, let's erect a basic table, a bookshelf of sorts. Here's how we'd put that together:

        <th>Book Title</th>
        <th>Year Published</th>
        <td>Adventures of Huckleberry Finn</td>
        <td>Mark Twain</td>
        <td>War and Peace</td>
        <td>Leo Tolstoy</td>

There we have it, a minimalist HTML bookshelf! A delightful sight indeed.

Table Attributes

Tables can also have certain attributes that tell the browser how it should be displayed.

Some attributes frequently associated with tables include:

Let's spruce up our table by implementing these attributes.

<table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
        <th>Book Title</th>
        <th>Year Published</th>
        <td>Adventures of Huckleberry Finn</td>
        <td>Mark Twain</td>
        <td>War and Peace</td>
        <td>Leo Tolstoy</td>

That's how you can display nicely formatted data on your webpage using HTML tables.

Next, we'll delve into HTML Forms, which allow you to capture user input.

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