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Executing JavaScript in Livewire from PHP

Integrating JavaScript in Laravel Livewire 🚀

Laravel Livewire is a fantastic tool for making dynamic, interactive web applications with Laravel. Sometimes, you need to execute JavaScript from your Livewire components' PHP methods. Here's how you can achieve this seamlessly.

Inline Scripts in Livewire

You can include <script> tags directly in your Livewire component's view. This is handy for running JavaScript once upon the component's first render. For later executions, you can emit an event from your PHP method and listen for it in JavaScript.

    <!-- Livewire component HTML -->

        document.addEventListener('livewire:load', function () {
            // JavaScript code

Emitting and Listening to Events

Livewire's global event system allows components to communicate. From your PHP method, emit an event:


In your JavaScript, listen for this event:

Livewire.on('eventName', () => {
    // JavaScript code

Utilizing the @js Directive

For passing PHP data to JavaScript, use the @js directive within a <script> tag in your Livewire component's view:

    let posts = @js($posts);
    // "posts" is now a JavaScript array of post data from PHP

Accessing the JavaScript Component Instance

Each Livewire component has a corresponding JavaScript object accessible using the @this blade directive:

    document.addEventListener('livewire:load', function () {
        var count = @this.count; // Get the value of the "count" property
        @this.increment(); // Call the increment component action

Dispatching Browser Events

Finally, you can dispatch custom browser events from your PHP methods:

$this->dispatchBrowserEvent('eventName', ['data' => $value]);

And listen for them in JavaScript:

window.addEventListener('eventName', event => {
    // JavaScript code


Integrating JavaScript into your Livewire components enhances user experience and interaction. Whether through inline scripts, event systems, or direct JavaScript component manipulation, Livewire offers flexible ways to integrate PHP and JavaScript seamlessly in your Laravel applications.

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